Field Trip Waiver
This is a lock-in quarry: the gate is locked behind us and no one can enter or leave (except in an emergency) until about 12:15, when a group will be let out & others can come in if they are waiting at the gate. The rest of the group will leave about 4:30.
This is a "hard-rock" working quarry. All field trippers should have the
appropriate safety equipment, such as hardhat, eye protection, long pants,
& steel-toed or other sturdy shoes. All minors should be closely supervised by
a parent/guardian.
Middle Devonian limestones of the Wapsipinicon & Cedar Valley Groups are exposed at Klein Quarry.
A wide variety of marine fossils can be found in rocks of the Cedar Valley Group:
More common finds include: solitary & colonial corals, stromatoporoids, brachiopods,
bryozoans, bivalves, & snails.
Less common finds include such things as: trilobites, crinoids, blastoids, cephalopods, & fish bones/teeth.
There are also scattered outcrops of non-marine Pennsylvanian age river deposits near the top of the quarry
which sometimes contain plant fossils.
Useful tools include rock hammers, cold chisels, sledgehammers, & pry bars. Bring your own water and lunch.
Sunblock and bug spray are not bad to have either, even in October! After all it was 90 degrees on the October 2010 trip!
Directions: From I-80 in Iowa City /Coralville, take Exit 240 & go south on Coral Ridge Avenue (on the west border of Coral Ridge Mall). Get in the far right lane & go a short distance to Hwy 6 (T intersection with stoplight). Turn right (west) onto Highway 6, go past a large Lowes store on the right and through a stoplight to the next left turn (SE Deer Creek Rd). Turn left (south) on SE Deer Creek. After you turn, you will see the quarry in front of you. Enter to the right near the top of the hill.
Please note that you must approach the quarry from the north (Highway 6) ONLY!
You can no longer reach the quarry coming up Deer Creek Road from the south!
It's a good news/bad news thing!
Bad news - a longer drive for those of us who used to come up to Klein from the south...
Good news - the reason the southern portion of Deer Creek Road is now closed is that the quarry is going to expand
in that direction in the coming years, which means eventually more exposures to explore!
MAPS sponsors a field trip each fall, usually to Klein or Conklin Quarry in Coralville, IA, which primarily expose Devonian rocks. However, our local sister clubs, the Cedar Valley Rocks and Minerals Society and Blackhawk Gem & Mineral Society - (Contact is Glen Rocca) have several field trips per year to collecting sites all over Iowa as well. The first collecting trip usually takes place in April, and the last one can sometimes be as late as November, depending on the weather.
Please have a look at the trip pictures below, and take the chance to familiarize yourself with some of the faces and names of fellow MAPS members you might meet on our various field trips or at Expo, not to mention seeing some of the cool fossils you might find on club trips!
A specimen of the Oncocerid nautiloid genus Acleistoceras sp. from Klein Quarry. Found by MAPS/BHGMS/CVRMS member Glen Rocca. |
A coiled nautiloid cephalopod, belonging to the same family as the modern day Nautilus Pompilius. Found by MAPS/BHGMS/CVRMS member Glen Rocca at Conklin Quarry. |
A trilobite (Phacops rana norwoodensis) from the Lower Rapid Member of the Little Cedar Formation at Conklin Quarry. Found by MAPS/BHGMS/CVRMS member Mike Powelka. |
Conklin and Klein Quarries are the 2 spots MAPS trips visit most often, and are property of the River Products Company, Inc. We are greatly indebted to them for allowing the club to have field trip access to their quarries.
Above is a view of the Middle Devonian strata exposed in the west wall of the River Products Inc Conklin Quarry.
Unit contacts are approximate. (A nearly identical outcrop section is exposed at River Products Klein Quarry.)
Mainly Middle Devonian (roughly 375 million year old) rocks are exposed at this working quarry. |
Conklin Quarry composite outcrop section
Conklin trip pics: June 2009 August 2007
Mainly Middle Devonian (roughly 375 million year old) rocks are exposed at this working quarry. |
Klein trip pics: October 2008
Usually we have a 'find of the day' on club field trips, but MAPS member Michael Moore and his daughter Anna had the find of a lifetime on a recent Klein Quarry trip! The entire surface of this boulder was covered with articulated crinoid fossils! | Above is a closeup of one of the crinoids on the boulder! |
The following are a few of the goodies that were found on the August 2009 trip:
MAPS member Tom Williams found this specimen of Strobilocystites calvini, the last species of cystoid, which went extinct in the Upper Devonian. The cystoids were a kind of echinoderm - related to crinoids, starfish, and sea urchins. | |
Found by MAPS member Charles Newsom, this is an enrolled specimen of the trilobite Phacops rana, which turns up quite often in the shaly limestones of the lower Rapid Member of the Little Cedar Formation. |
Field Trip Waiver